Hi! I'm Rebecca Pelletier but usually called Becky. I'm a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, but first and most importantly, I'm a child of the King. I grew up traveling, as my father is an evangelist, and loved it so much that I married an evangelist and felt blessed that we were able to give our three children the privilege of traveling (49 states and too many foreign countries to count) and seeing God work in so many lives. My girls and I always enjoyed creating together and would sell our little handmade items on Facebook as a way for them to earn money. Children have a bad habit of growing and when mine went to college, I no longer enjoyed the creativity we had once shared together. I picked up a paint brush for the first time since I was in high school and haven't put it down since. My heart is to make beautiful art, centered around scripture, so that I can surround myself and others with God's faithful promises. Proceeds from my art all go straight into our mission trips. My shop name is Portuguese as Brazil has a special place in my family's heart. It reminds us of a beautiful life (Vida Doce). Psalm 34:8, "O taste and see that the Lord is good..."