Vida Doce is excited to partner with Candle Bake Shop. I love their mission and the opportunity to collaborate together.
Candle Bake's Story
We’re a group of four brothers turned “Young Entrepreneurs”, and Candle Bake Shop started as our homeschool project for 2020. Candlemaking isn't just a business for us, but a learning opportunity as well as a platform for giving, receiving, and propagating blessings amid a pandemic (and beyond).
Since our soft launch in early September, we've enjoyed a great deal of progress. We acknowledge that we couldn't have done it without the blessings from God and the support of our family and friends. We continue to work towards our ultimate goal of obtaining more complex candlemaking equipment — maybe a warehouse? — and bringing more products with Scripture and words of encouragement into the market. We seek to #BuildKindnessWithLight in all that we do; and, we support local, domestic, and international causes that help children and animals.
During our spare time, we're just like any other group of siblings out there in the world: we play, we shop, and we explore. Some of our hobbies include sports, playing with our dogs, crafting art out of either paint or words, playing musical instruments, and reading.
Thank you for taking interest in our creative adventure — and together, let’s spread the light and be a blessing to those whom we meet along life’s path... pandemic or not.
The Young Entrepreneurs --